Friday, February 13, 2009

Class Golf Lesson

On Tuseday 18th Feb. we will be having a golf lesson with golf pro Melanie Harper - studuents will be given tip on correct stance and swing using a range of equipment. This session is great to motivatle more interest in this sport. The session is on the Bishops Court Fields at School and is for 45min. There is a $3 fee for this which needs to be paid asap.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Copy of Swimming Notice

4 February 2009

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Once again Balmacewen Intermediate has decided to use Moana Pool’s ‘Swimsation’ programme for our swimming lessons this year. We feel this is more beneficial for your child’s swimming development.

Swimsation coaches will take a half hour session with each class at Moana Pool, four times during the next four weeks. The school swimming sports will be held at the conclusion of these sessions on Friday 13th March.

Room 13’s swimming sessions are as follows:

Session 1
Tuesday 10th Feb 11.30am – 12.00noon
Session 2
Wedneday 25th Feb 11.30am – 12.00noon
Session 3
Wednesday 4th March 11.30am- 12.00noon

Session 4
Monday 9th March 2.00-2.30noon

As a class we will be walking to and from the pool, and we require 2 adult helpers per class in order to meet safety requirements. Please complete the form below if you can assist with this.

Children will need to bring their togs and towel to school and they will walk down to the pool and return to school in their correct PE uniform. You will notice that some swimming sessions conclude at 2.45pm. Students will be able to walk home from the pool for these sessions if they have parental permission. (Please indicate on the form below).

The cost of swimming has increased slightly this year due to Swimsation and will be $3.25 a session. Please pay no later than one day before each swimming session. Or alternatively you can pay $13 before the first session.

Please complete the permission slip below.

Kind regards

Andrew Sloan

I give permission for ____________________________ to take part in class swimming sessions.
I give permission for ____________________________ to walk home from the pool at 3.00pm following an afternoon swim.

I am able/unable (circle) to help with _________________________________ swimming sessions.

SIGNED: __________________________________

Monday, February 2, 2009

Homework Due Tuesday Morning!

I would like all students to write me a letter introducing themselves, include things like hobbies, interests, strengths, achievements in the past, goals and anything you find difficult or would like to learn this year. I look forward to reading your letters tomorrow!

Day One!!

So Your first day at Balmac has been and gone, What a great group of students we have in Room 13 and infact in our whole school. ANy thoughts or comments on your first day at Balmac, feel free to comment using the coment button at the bottom of this post.