Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clayton & Karl's stream report

This year room 13 is going to be looking at the health of the Kaikorai stream.
We will be looking at the clarity, PH (or acidity levels) of the water, and much more.
This Tuesday, we went down to the stream and mapped the area where we are going to be working.
We recorded the PH, clarity, temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen.
We had to test the data three times before we could record it.
The water looked filthy, and Liam’s feet got very wet.
The clarity level of the water was 26 to 32 cm.
Some of the water smelled very, very bad.
We all tested the stream in different parts of it.

By Clayton Woods and Karl Bjornerud

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Science Fair Posters to assist the process

Well this term we will be having a major focus on Science, Hopefully by now students ahve had a god think about an idea for their Science/Technology Fair project, attached below is a 10 step guide we will be teaching the students to use in assisting them when carrying out their explorations!

Science Posters Science Posters andrewjsloan

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Update

Hi Everyone,

Well the Easter break is almost here and the students of Room 13 have had a busy term. Our Class camp last week was successful, thanks to all who helped out with this, all the students had a great time and really shone as a group. There are some tired students at the moment and a break to re charge energy levels and adjust to the seasonal change of Day light Savings coming to an end wiil be good for everyone!

Our focus next term is "Science" based and begins with a concentrated unit on 'Chemistry'.We will be looking at procedures used when carrying out scientific testing and investigations, this will give the students the skills needed for the Major piece of work - The "Science and Technology Fair" - Students will be given a briefing on things they could be doing over the holidays to prepare for possible investigations that they may like to carry out for their "Science Fair" Investigation.
I will be uploading a documnet giving an outline of a suggested plan and way to get organised for this onto the class blog in the next few days, so get talking and thinking at home of what you might like to investigate and learn a little more about! - It is a very big piece of work, but very rewarding once the final work and presentations are made. A must see, the Science Fair will be in Week 9 of Term 2 (22nd-26th June 2009).

My recovery form surgery has, and is going well. I appreciate your understanding towards my situation this term, thank you. As I haven't had a chance for initial interviews with everyone yet, I would like to make times for those of you who would still like to discuss your childs initial settling and learning here at Balmacewen. I have times available as listed below at the begining of Term 2;

Tuesday 28th April 3pm-4.15pm
Wednesday 29th April 8am-8.30am & 1.30pm-4.15pm
Thursday 30th April 38am-8.30am & 3pm-4.15pm

I hope that for those of you i haven't had a chance to speak with yet will be able to make it in, please email me or send a note along and I will confirm a time with you. The next reporting and interview following this will be at the Start of Term 3 After the mid year reports are sent home.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement towards your child's learning this term and I look forward to seeing everone back next term!

Have a safe and enjoyable time if you are heading away over Easter.



More Camp Photos

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Art Certificates

Well Done to the people who were awarded certificates for their pieces of Art Work relating to early Dunedin, Absent from the photo is Grace Perry